Saturday, November 9, 2013

Our Week

It seems like as the days go by, I see more & more progress with Kade's homeschooling.  Not just being "that mom" who swears she can do this.  It is TOUGH.  At times I've wondered if I was capable of teaching him some of the things efficiently enough for them to sink in.  My baby boy is now reading 96 words.  Words like: yellow, must, why, who, little, funny, pretty, etc.  I have taught him using flash cards, made him spell the words as he goes, mixed up the cards in the deck so it isn't just a sequence memorization & made him read in beginner level books.  My baby can read!  Such an exciting time.  His handwriting is also improving by the day.  He LOVES doing the worksheets & games I pick and print for him.  I plan to write an entire post on all the reasons why I'm thankful to be homeschooling.  Because I'd be here all night if I started now! I'm just feeling very blessed to be this sweet baby's mama and teacher.  

This week at OT my baby & his sissy made bird feeders out of pine cones, suet, peanut butter & bird seeds.  We dug for the pine cones ourselves & only picked out good, firm ones.  They mainly did this because it's a new texture & it was fun.  Super fun activity and he loved to see them hung in the trees at home.  So excited to see the birds eating off of them & make more as we need them.

And a little update on my picky eater....he is now eating beef.  Tacos & hamburgers so far.  Salsa & cheese are a new thing as well.  SO PROUD!! He's come so far in just a few months.  But his OT ROCKS!!

As for me, I am having surgery in just a few weeks.  I've been having some pain, hormonal issues & come to find out I have a fallopian tube swollen up like a football, more ovarian cysts ( SHOCKER...NOT), they plan to check my appendix & do an ablation as well.  It's been a super eventful month with doctor visits galore.  But I am OVER the pain.  Who has time to be in so much pain when they have beautiful babies to raise?? Not this lady.  I'll keep you updated.

And I'm also planning Kyleigh's birthday party as well.  It will be just days before my surgery.  Which also happens to be the day of Christmas pictures with THE best photographers around =) Yes, I'm cramming all things possible in before I go "under the knife".

I just wanted to give some updates on our week ;) Hope you guys enjoy your weekend!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Lesson About Life & Death

So, at some point in time we know we will have to explain death to our children.  

This past week, I had to have that talk with my sweet Kade, who is 4.  

We let some of our rabbits out of hutches that were very worn down and had decided it was best for them to be free.  Well needless to say rabbits and goats don't share food very well.  We let the rabbits out last Saturday.  Wednesday morning when we got home from drums, I noticed two of the rabbits were laying in the same spot they'd been when we left.  I drove across the yard and jumped the fence.  I found one of the rabbits barely breathing, with some gashes on her neck (apparently from goat horns).  And the second rabbit was breathing fine and I didn't notice blood, so I let him be.  The rabbit that was bleeding passed away of course.  When my daddy got home, we found out that the second had his back legs crushed.  He could only drag himself around and had lost his normal aggression.  I called a vet, wondering if he would make it.  His outcome is good, we have splinted him (despite his efforts to chew them off).  He should make a full recovery.

As for the dead female, Ophelia, she had to have a proper burial.  I explained to Kade that she got hurt by the goats and had died.  I asked him what he thought happened when we died.  He was VERY quick to tell me, "Mommy, we go to Heaven to be with Jesus."  His certainty at such a young age makes my heart swell with joy!! My sweet baby knows that Jesus saves.  During homeschool, we read a lesson out of his bible storybook daily.  He is in church Sunday morning & Sunday evening.  He is blessed with awesome leaders at church who have made it SO clear to him that he is positive of Jesus' love for us.  He was still very confused about the fact that we couldn't go back to the hole the next day and get her out.  But then he insisted we would see her again.  

This lesson was MUCH easier than I thought it would be.  I know when it comes to a loved one dying, it won't be as easy to recover from.  But his faith will carry him through the darkest of things in life.  

Just wanted to share =) SUCH a proud mommy moment!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

We had MANY Halloween Festivities this year. Including a stomach bug that hit the night of Kade's First drum recital shortly after getting home.  But overall we had an awesome time. I'm a tad behind on posting.  And a tad behind on laundry as well but the stomach bug drug out for a week between the kids & us.  Anywho, here are pictures & the video of Boo In The Park =) 

HANDS DOWN THE BEST OT EVER. She has got my baby eating such a variety!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bonus Disney Movie Rewards Points

Right now you have the opportunity to get an additional 25 bonus points.  These codes are simply entered into the magic code box. I received an email with the riddles and jumbled letters.  Go & enter these points now for a holiday bonus ;)


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Week Thus Far

The video pretty much speaks for itself.  We added sissy in the mix this past week and she's learning lots.  This was just a video of her goofing off.  Kade is now up to reading 85 words.  He can read level one early reader books with very little assistance whatsoever.  Not too shabby for a four year old if I may say so.  He's coming along very well with his handwriting.  I've been putting a lot of consideration into the homeschool associations in my area, with one I'm certain I'll go with.  And looking into co-ops as well so we can have field trips with other homeschoolers.  It has been SO rewarding to watch him learn.  I see all of his strengths and weaknesses myself and I'm able to correct them before they're ever a problem. 

This past week, we've also went on a playdate with some other homeschoolers for story time at the library.  Needless to say, my kids have to work on etiquette as far as the whole being quiet so others can read and study.  Anyhow, we read Halloween stories & made a spider hat.  And had fun meeting some new friends.

This is Kade's spider hat.  He's still quite hooked on it.

We've also gotten HOOKED on new ways to make pizza at home.  Our hands down favorite thus far is crescent rolls.  I used the Pillsbury Grands flaky layers crescent rolls, some EVOO, sauce, Italian 6 cheese shredded cheese & of course pepperoni.  Quick & easy and pleases even my picky eater. 

We also made homemade bubbles.  This "recipe" was supposed to make the monster, unbreakable bubbles.  NOT so.  These bubbles didn't get big at all.  I think partly because it was too diluted to make a big bubble.  But the kids loved them, that is, until Miss Priss got them in her eyes.  Then she was over it.

This evening I'll be picking up some cane poles for some new activities & projects.  Of course they'll be featured on the blog as soon as I have them done and tested out by my crew. 

Thank you again for reading!! Hope you all have a blessed day =)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Week In Pictures (with some captions thrown in ;) )

So we got this on Monday for free =)  A local church CDC wasn't using it, it wouldn't stay together well with so many kids on it.  However, it is perfect for my two =)
The pup learned how to fetch.
When Sissy fights a nap, this is how she does her coloring sheet/snack time while we do school.
Kade is reading more as the day passes. TONS for a four year old if I may say so!
This gray tree frog showed up on the barn & made friends with us.  First with me, until I could convince Kade that he wasn't gross.  Yes, I pick up slimy things for my boy.
Fred the frog became a BFF in minutes.
Biscuit Pizza.  MY picky eater LOVED it.
And here's proof.
SO, after many failed attempts to taking my child to have his teeth cleaned...SUCCESS!!  AND, not a single cavity!!
Wasn't even bothered with the dentist using the "scraper" to count his teeth.
He did receive a bribe toy.  Which was also partially given because of all of the new foods he tried this week.
The pup learned she's not a fan of goats.  And vice versa.
Burning leaves & the sunlight through the wood ceiling made for this beautiful picture.

I've gotten a tad behind on my blog.  But my child is learning so much, reading TONS of new words, and wanting more books to be read to him.  We are absolutely LOVING homeschool.  I feel so blessed to be able to see my baby learn and LOVE getting an education.  Thanks for reading ;)

Monday, September 30, 2013

An Update on Homeschooling =)

So after a month of homeschooling, we are LOVING it!! 

I've been pretty busy since we started last month so I haven't had a lot of time to update my blog.  But Kade is now reading 58 sight words out of his deck which we just whipped out roughly three weeks ago.  This past week he read his first book to me, then to his speech therapist =) Proud mommy moment!!  And not only reading, but also spelling these words. And he's also spelling words on signs and restaurants.  I love to read & write, so the fact that I've got my child excited about this and his education in general shows me that the sky is the limit!

This time last year, we were waiting to get a spot at therapy to get his speech to take off.  This year I have got him reading one month into homeschool, SUPER encouraging.  I was having doubts about whether he would succeed with me as his teacher.  This was simply due to the fact that I lacked support from so many friends and family.  We have time for school, therapy, drums & LIFE!! 

Thank you so much to my readers and to all my visitors from Bloggy Moms.  Show some love by following, commenting, etc & i'll return the favor.