Monday, September 30, 2013

An Update on Homeschooling =)

So after a month of homeschooling, we are LOVING it!! 

I've been pretty busy since we started last month so I haven't had a lot of time to update my blog.  But Kade is now reading 58 sight words out of his deck which we just whipped out roughly three weeks ago.  This past week he read his first book to me, then to his speech therapist =) Proud mommy moment!!  And not only reading, but also spelling these words. And he's also spelling words on signs and restaurants.  I love to read & write, so the fact that I've got my child excited about this and his education in general shows me that the sky is the limit!

This time last year, we were waiting to get a spot at therapy to get his speech to take off.  This year I have got him reading one month into homeschool, SUPER encouraging.  I was having doubts about whether he would succeed with me as his teacher.  This was simply due to the fact that I lacked support from so many friends and family.  We have time for school, therapy, drums & LIFE!! 

Thank you so much to my readers and to all my visitors from Bloggy Moms.  Show some love by following, commenting, etc & i'll return the favor.  


  1. Hello Amanda, I found your blog from Bloggy Moms ;-)
    I am just starting off on my blogging journey. I am finding this world rather fascinating. But I am hoping to make the most of my time in the blogosphere. I, too, have contemplated home schooling but never had the opportunity to now. My oldest is 11 and I think I missed the boat with him but am considering it with my youngest. Thank you for sharing your story! Have a great evening!

  2. We absolutely love it. We decided we wanted to homeschool as soon as we found out we were expecting our oldest. I am SO thankful for the opportunity. I highly recommend it if you are able to. Thank you for visiting. Bloggy Moms is such a blessing!

  3. Congrats! I think homeschool moms rock. I wouldn't even mind it sometimes, LOL. That's awesome that he is doing so well. I am a Bloggy Moms member too :)

    1. Thank you Sasha. I love it and it seems like he's going to have an awesome school year and has never complained once. By the way I loved cloth diapering while it lasted! I had a sick baby having major ear infections and surgeries while my girl was teething so I threw in the towel but I hated to =(

  4. You will love homeschooling! they are many experiences that we share with our children... I also homeschool my 4 year old son! I have a few post under homeschooling on my blog.

  5. It's so rewarding to see their style of learning, their excitement of learning new things and accomplishing tasks, and of course the quality time. I believe I'm going to be a lifer!
