Monday, March 5, 2012


Last Sunday, I started having some issues with coughing, sore throat & runny nose.  I made the decision to go to the doctor so i could nip this in the bud before it got too nasty. Both the kids & myself had just gotten over a viral upper respiratory infection just two weeks before.  Needless to say, it's absolutely difficult to be sick and tending to housework, cooking & my two young children. That week was rough.

Before I got a chance to finish my Z-Pack, Kyleigh got a little cough. Nothing much I was overly worried about since she tends to cough when anybody around her coughs to be goofy. The next morning her cough had worsened and Kade started hacking every bit as bad as she was. I managed to get the kids in with the doctor just 2 hours later. I was told that both of them had yet another viral upper respiratory infection. This time I was almost back to myself and figured it would be easier this time. Not the case. This time they were both double-whammied with a bit of a stomach bug as well.

Kyleigh has thrown up several times & Kade only once. My past week and few days have been full of Pedialyte, Pediasure, Triaminic, Motrin, Tylenol. Not to mention a can of Lysol Disinfecting Spray, Lysol Wipes, many baths for everyone (being covered in baby vomit is NOT a pleasant feeling or smell) and loads of laundry.

Our main issue now is using our saline drops, suction bulbs, staying hydrated & trying to convince my two year old to wash his hands and cough inside his shirt to keep his germs to himself. As well as trying to get us all back into the groove of everyone sleeping all night long.

I have my work cut out for me. Hopefully my next post will come from a more-tested & congestion-free lady.

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