It's safe to say that when you are homeschooling, scrutiny is something you just learn to deal with. As for me, those who come at me with questions like, "When will your kids go to REAL school?," usually get many laughs and an extra dose of sarcasm. The money my husband & I have spent over the past 4 years of homeschooling would astonish these folks. Yet, it's not even something we consider as an "expense", it's a necessity. Our children are exceeding all expectations I had when we first began this journey.
Today, I got to spend some quality time with many of my friends at co-op. For those of you who don't know what a co-op is, it's a homeschooling group where we teach classes and fellowship. We joined co-op last year after being invited by my cousin. At first, I was very hesitant. I mean, who wants to add more to a full plate?? Josh insisted it would do us ALL some good, so I jumped on board. The first few weeks resulted in plenty of tears from a clingy Kyleigh. Kade was on board with bells on. Last year, I saw just how much I needed support from other "crazy, brave ladies," like myself. My kids made a ton of new friends, but what it did for me was above and beyond what I expected. I got to just sit and talk and pray with ladies whose struggles were similar to mine. And we just got to enjoy adult talk for a change of pace.
After one day, I am completely exhausted, but I feel like life is just completed again for the kids & I. We missed everyone over the summer. And we are surrounded by people who just understand our lifestyle and don't question any reasons. I also started teaching a class this year, rather than just helping. I'm very artsy fartsy, so naturally, I picked Art. My class is filled with awesome kids who are excited and love to draw their favorite things and people.
To each of you at co-op, I've missed you terribly & look forward to our year together!!